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Day: April 5, 2020

Virtual Town Board Meeting

Our Town Board Meeting will be held on April 9th, 2020 at 7:00 via ZOOM.  The meeting will be live-streamed to our TOWN OF STANFORD NOTES FROM THE SUPERVISOR Facebook page, and you will be able to send in questions from that site which we will answer.  The meeting will be recorded and posted to the Town website hopefully within a day or two.  We are still trying to learn a lot of new technology so we can keep the working of our government going and at the same time keep you all informed.

Tax Levy Update

The Town Board has decided to postpone discussion on the Tax Restorative Levy due to the urgency and immediacy and financial ramifications of our Community dealing with the COVID-19 virus.  Although the forensic investigation will continue into the unauthorized 59% tax levy, now is not the moment to try to rectify this c. $547,000 loss to Town Finances.  We realize that Town other revenues will be hard hit by this Pandemic, including sales tax revenue..but all of us are struggling right now to come to grips with how COVID-19 will impact each one of us financially, so we have put the Restorative Levy on the back burner.


The Grange’s Little Food Pantry

Stanford Grange 808 has done an extraordinary service to the Stanford community what began as a project called Our Little Food Pantry. It has turned into a much larger enterprise, with two pantries stocked at all times, as well as a small donated refrigerator.  Citizens in need can simply drive up behind the Grange and take whatever supplies they need, from lentils to oatmeal to hygiene products as well as hand-sewn makes donated by a fellow citizen.  The Grange can always use additional food donations as well as cash infusions.  Checks should be made out to the Stanford Grange 808 and mailed to PO Box 108 Stanfordville, NY 12581

The LFP is a place where non-perishable, hygiene products, pet food and household supplies can be found. It can help those in immediate need and creates and environment of community.  The Stanford Grange needs your help to get this project started so that our community can add one more thing we offer the people to show how much Stanford cares.  A beautiful wooden pantry has been donated, so donations can be made to help the Grange stock it full of goods.