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Month: May 2020

Restarting Dutchess Phase 1 beginning Tuesday, May 26th !

Poughkeepsie, NY … Dutchess County Executive Marc Molinaro announced today Dutchess County, as part of the Mid-Hudson Region, has been approved by New York State to begin Phase One reopening starting next week having successfully met all of the core health-related required metrics. The Governor is expected to announce the specific reopening date over the weekend. The following business industries will be able to reopen next week under the NY Forward phased reopening plan:

  • Construction
  • Manufacturing
  • Retail – Limited to curbside or in-store pick up or drop off)
  • Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting
  • Wholesale Trade

County Executive Molinaro said, “This is good news for Dutchess County, a cautious beginning to restarting our local economy. We have worked tirelessly in the battle against COVID-19 and all of the metrics prove we have moved in the right direction. Our local businesses have also been working hard to put plans in place to ensure the health and safety of their employees and their customers. It is critical we all continue to work together to protect our community’s health as we begin the process of ‘Restarting Dutchess’.”

Construction staging – including moving materials and equipment onto job sites and setting up safety precautions – may begin now to allow full construction activities to be able to begin next week once the Governor has determined the specific date.

All eligible businesses who plan to reopen during Phase One must have a COVID-19 Health and Safety Plan to protect employees and consumers, make the physical work space safer and implement processes that lower risk of infection in the business. Plans must be retained on the premises of the business and must be made available to the New York State Department of Health (DOH) or local health or safety authorities in the event of an inspection. Businesses must review and submit affirmation they will adhere to the guidelines outlined in the NY Forward plan. Summary guidelines, safety plan templates and affirmation statement and submission directions are available, by industry, on the NY Forward website.

Phase One businesses are considered essential to the economy and are the lowest risk businesses. Phase 2 includes professional services, retail, administrative support and real estate/rental leasing. Phase 3 covers restaurants and food services. Phase 4 is arts, entertainment, recreation and education. It is anticipated there will be approximately 2 weeks between each phase being approved.

The NY Forward website also has a Business Reopening Lookup Tool to see if a particular business is eligible to reopen.

County Executive Molinaro offered his gratitude to all the people who recently volunteered to serve as contact tracers to help Dutchess County meet its goal of 252 contact tracers. Dutchess County had already met the original state-mandated metric of 30 contact tracers per 100,000 population with more than 90 contact tracers. Earlier this week, the state increased the required number of contact tracers to 252, basing it on infection rate. The County pushed out a call for additional volunteers, and there are currently more than 360 people (including the original 90) who have signed up to serve as contact tracers.

“We are grateful to all who are working to protect our community health,” County Executive Molinaro. “We all have a responsibility to remain vigilant, it is vital each person continues to do their part to ensure the health & safety of themselves and our community – wear your face mask, maintain social distancing, wash your hands frequently and make smart choices. We want to continue moving forward, opening our economy piece by piece, as long as we continue to see improvements in our community’s health and well-being.”

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Please note: New York State has NOT authorized the Department of Motor Vehicles to reopen to the public. DMV remains closed under Executive Order through June 6th. No reopening date has yet been established.

COVID-19 Updates – latest May 22nd, 2020

Click HERE  for the May 22nd Covid Update from the Town of Stanford

Click HERE for the May 13th Covid Update from the Town of Stanford

Click HERE for May 1st Covid Update from the Town of Stanford

Click HERE for the April 21st  Covid Update from the Town of Stanford


Update from County Executive Molinaro

April 16, 2020


As we face this pandemic together, communicating with you remains a priority. Below you will find the some of the latest information about the virus and our efforts to respond to it. Stay Safe. Be Well. We are all in this together. 


Situation Update

There are now 1,975 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Dutchess County, 19 fatalities, as well as 212 individuals who have recovered. There are over 213,000 cases statewide with over 18,000 hospitalizations and 11,586 fatalities. As always, we encourage you to visit our dashboard for the most up to date, verified, local data. 


Protecting Yourself & Others

As we are seeing the positive impact of our diligent efforts, it is now more important than ever to continue to:

  1. Wash your hands regularly!  Avoid touching your face, eyes, nose etc.
  2. Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces and objects.  Viruses can survive for days on surfaces.
  3. Practice Social Distancing. Keep at least 6-feet between you and others.
  4. Stay home when possible. Practice social distancing. Keep at least 6 feet between you and others.
  5. Wear a face covering when outside of your home. Face coverings help prevent people who may have the virus and do not know it. Per an Executive Order from Governor Cuomo, all people in New York must wear a face-covering in situations when not maintaining social distancing. Cloth face coverings fashioned from household items can stop the spread of COVID-19 when traditional surgical masks and N-95s aren’t available and significant social distancing is not possible. Check out this flyer on how to make your own face covering. 

See our flyer which provides these tips and other helpful information. We encourage you to share this information with your constituencies. We have also created two posters that should be hung in public locations to help keep residents informed about how to stay safe and how to get help.


NY on Pause

Governor Cuomo announced today that the “New York State on PAUSE” executive order will be extended through May 15th.


Applications Now Open for ‘Dutchess Responds’ Fund

In partnership with the Community foundation, the Dutchess Responds Fund has initiated a rolling application process to support nonprofits that have been providing critical support to the community as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. In collaboration with the Dyson Foundation, the first round of Dutchess Responds Fund donations, which exceeded $50,000, was recently distributed to numerous emergency food pantries and programs throughout the county, with a special emphasis on those that provide fresh produce and distribute or deliver food to those in need.


This revolving application process will allow current and future donations to the fund to support two priorities—Front Line and Service-Challenged needs. Grants will be available to non-profit agencies in increments up to $10,000 depending on funding availability. For more information, contact Community Foundations at (845) 452-3077 or email More information is also available in our press release.


Alternate Care Facility Update

Dutchess County’s Recovery Center stands ready as needed should local hospitals exceed their capacity to care for those impacted by COVID-19. Dutchess Community College’s Conklin Hall Dormitory serves as the location for the Recovery Center, with 176 rooms and 457 beds on 4 different floors. Total capacity will vary based on number of guests requiring single room and/or access to private bathroom per their care plan. Staff is trained and prepared and the facility is ready for patient admission, however, it is not expected it will be necessary to open the facility this week as local hospital bed capacity has remained stable. Hospital capacity is evaluated daily, looking out three days, to determine if it is necessary to open the recovery center. Learn more by checking out our press release


National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week

We are proud and grateful for the dedication and sacrifice of our Dutchess County Public Safety Dispatchers who continue to work tirelessly during the COVID-19 pandemic, and all year long, at the Dutchess County Department of Emergency Response to ensure first responders reach Dutchess County residents in need as quickly as possible. This week is National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week and we hope you’ll join us in recognizing their contributions in this critical and life-saving role, even if it has to be from a safe distance.

COVID-19 Time Capsule

These are unprecedented times for people of every age, and schools and other organizations have posted the following COVID-19 time capsule for kids, allowing boys and girls to creatively document their experiences living through this pandemic to look back on years from now. Check out our Facebook page for fun worksheets to print out and include in your time capsule!

Local residents are also invited to take part in the Dutchess County COVID-19 History Survey to document their experiences during the current pandemic and will better prepare leaders for the health crises of the future.


Business Community Update

Businesses are encouraged to visit to sign up for daily emails and access important information and resources.

  • A Virtual Contact Breakfast was held with the Dutchess County Regional Chamber of Commerce. If you were unable to attend, or want to re-watch the webinar, you can watch the full recording HERE.
  • The New York Department of Health has issued the Interim Guidance for the requirement that businesses offer face masks to employees that must interact with the public. The guidance can be found HERE.
  • As we work together to combat the spread of COVID-19 in our community, we encourages businesses adopt best practices to protect their employees, as well as customers, when it is absolutely necessary for residents to go out. Check this flyer for more details. 

We’re All In This Together

The uncertainty and anxiety surrounding everything happening in our community with COVID-19 can easily become overwhelming, but we’re here to help. If you need someone to talk to, our HELPLINE is available 24/7 via call or text at 845-485-9700.  

New York State has also established a Coronavirus Emotional Support Helpline at 1-844-863-9314, which is available 8am-10pm 7 days per week.


Other Items:


As always, we encourage you to visit for the most up to date information. Our COVID-19 Information Hotline is available 7 days a week to help answer questions and provide assistance at 845-486-3555.

We have been putting out weekly newsletter emails on the COVID-19 pandemic and what we are doing right here in Stanfordville to help our Community as well as what resources are available on the County Level.  Please sign up for our email list so we can keep you informed. You can do so at the very top of our Home Page.

Please find the link to our April 11th emailers:

The latest emailer was sent out on April 4th and here is the link

Here is the link to our emailer from March 28th

Here is the link to our emailer from March 23rd

And our first

2020 Grievance Day COVID Procedure for May 26th

The Board of Assessment Review has worked diligently in order to be able to hold Grievance Day remotely, via ZOOM.

To meet with the BAR during the 1-3 PM session, your documents must be submitted by 9 AM on the 26th.  And you must provide your email so Stacey Adams can send the Zoom meeting login details.  You can contact here at 

To meet with the BAR during the 7-9 PM session, your documents must be submitted by 3 PM on the 26th.  An email address must be provided so Stacey can send the Zoom meeting login details. 

Any documents received from 3-9 PM will be reviewed later.  To make an in person virtual presentation, you may do so on Thursday, May 28 at 10 AM.  Again, an email address must be provided so Zoom meeting login details can be sent.

Instructions will be placed on the Front Door of Town Hall 

Thank you!


As the warm weather has arrived,  we are all so very tired of being housebound.  Our kids are even more stressed out than we are.  I would like to remind everyone that even within Stanford there are are open spaces we can take advantage of.  Within your family groups, masks are not necessary.  We just remind everyone to be mindful of social distancing when you approach others who may also be enjoying our beautiful outdoor spaces. We are so happy to be able to announce that Sparc Park has been opened in anticipation of Memorial Day Weekend. The playground is not open, but picnic tables are out, and social distancing measures are visible around the tables. We are asking residents not to move them.  The Tennis Courts are open.  The baseball field is not.  Roosters 82 has graciously donated two Dog waste stations to the park, so please make use of them and enjoy our beautiful park!   

Wilcox Memorial Park is open and will have picnic tables on the grass and near grill stands for families to enjoy. Social distancing measures will be visible around the tables and residents are asked to please not move the tables from the designated areas. Lawn chairs and picnic blankets are allowed.  Whitlock Preserve is open.  The Harlem Valley Rail Trail in Millerton is open as well as the Dutchess Rail Trail.  I am working with the Audubon Society in an effort to reopen Buttercup Sanctuary.  It was their decision to close it.  This is a difficult time for all of us, but nature is still out there and I believe there are safe ways we can all enjoy it.  


Please fill out your 2020 Census ! You can even do it by phone!

Have you filled out your census yet? Stanford is counting on you!  The final numbers will determine how federal funding gets divided across the country.  Congressional and legislative districts will be redrawn based on the figures as well.  You can even fill out the Census by phone 844-330-2020 for English and 844-468-2020 for Spanish.  You can also go to click here to fill out your census form.  

Right now the national self-response rate is 59.7%; New York state is 54.5%; Dutchess is 58.2% but Stanford is at 49.5%.  Please take a moment to Stand up for Stanford by completing the 2020 Census form.

Memorial Day Update

Memorial Day Activities

Although we find ourselves in the tragic position of not being able to hold our traditional parade with an Honor Guard and formal wreath laying ceremonies to honor our fallen heroes, wreathes will be laid at 8 a.m. at the Bangall Monument, the Civil War Monument and at the Peter Miller gravesite at Sparc Park. Our flags will fly at half staff.  Everyone will be able to visit the monuments during the weekend, though the state is still asking that gatherings do no exceed 10 people at a time and social distancing be used outside of family groups.

A convoy of county, police, fire and local municipality vehicles will traverse Dutchess County (see attached map) as part of this year’s Memorial Day celebrations on Monday, May 25th. Residents are asked to please not gather in large group settings to watch the Memorial Day Convoy. To show support, residents are instead encouraged hang American flags along the convoy’s route. For those families who live along the route, children are encouraged to paint and draw flags to be displayed in their windows, or on driveways. For more information, contact Dutchess County Division of Veterans Services at (845) 486-2060. 

Dutchess County Needs Contact Tracers

In order for Dutchess County and the Mid-Hudson Region to begin re-opening in phases and importantly to contain COVID-19 and prevent further spread, the County is in vital need of individuals to serve as contact tracers, who can work remotely and telephone residents who may have been exposed to COVID-positive individuals.  New York State will not allow our county or region to begin Phase One of reopening until we can prove we have sufficient residents willing to serve in this capacity. if you would be willing to take a 4-hour training to fill this critical gap and help our community take the next step in the re-opening process, please send your name, email address and cell phone number to Signing up to add your name to available volunteers does not prevent you from applying for a paid contact tracing positions with the State.

Latest Update from the County on Reopening Dutchess / Stanford

We had hoped to announce a full entry into the Phase I Reopening today, but Dutchess County is being grouped within the Mid-Hudson Region, and although Dutchess meets 6 out of 7 metrics to move into Phase I, we are being held back by other counties within our region.  That being said, both Dutchess & Ulster Counties have been given the green light for these activities:

  1. Drive-in Movie Theaters are open for movies as well as for church services and graduation services
  2. Houses of Worship may conduct services outside as long as the congregation stays in their vehicles
  3. Our library in Stanford is not yet open, but there are many opportunities they are offering.  Check out their FB page.
  4. Retail can deliver to curbside no matter the size of the store.  They can deliver items to a customer’s home or have the customer pick-up at curbside. The owner and one employee can be on site.
  5. Single student horseback riding with a single instructor
  6. Hunt clubs and gun clubs can operate.  However, there can be no food service indoors.  Food can be sold for “curbside” pick-up
  7. All elective medical procedures are now allowed as well as acupuncture
  8. Auto Maintenance
  9. Pet grooming [if it involves the animal’s health]
  10. Landscaping.  Please continue to social distance and wear mask protection if you are landscaping as a crew.
  11. Non-motorized boating
  12. Golf – one person to a cart

The County is also postponing its Foreclosure Auction so owners still have time to pay back taxes.

We will make every effort to restrict only certain areas of Sparc Park so the picnic tables and open air spaces are available to enjoy.  We ask that people outside of direct family clusters still maintain social distancing.  I hope to make this announcement within a few days.