Click HERE for the May 22nd Covid Update from the Town of Stanford
Click HERE for the May 13th Covid Update from the Town of Stanford
Click HERE for May 1st Covid Update from the Town of Stanford
Click HERE for the April 21st Covid Update from the Town of Stanford
Update from County Executive Molinaro
April 16, 2020
As we face this pandemic together, communicating with you remains a priority. Below you will find the some of the latest information about the virus and our efforts to respond to it. Stay Safe. Be Well. We are all in this together.
Situation Update
There are now 1,975 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Dutchess County, 19 fatalities, as well as 212 individuals who have recovered. There are over 213,000 cases statewide with over 18,000 hospitalizations and 11,586 fatalities. As always, we encourage you to visit our dashboard for the most up to date, verified, local data.
Protecting Yourself & Others
As we are seeing the positive impact of our diligent efforts, it is now more important than ever to continue to:
- Wash your hands regularly! Avoid touching your face, eyes, nose etc.
- Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces and objects. Viruses can survive for days on surfaces.
- Practice Social Distancing. Keep at least 6-feet between you and others.
- Stay home when possible. Practice social distancing. Keep at least 6 feet between you and others.
- Wear a face covering when outside of your home. Face coverings help prevent people who may have the virus and do not know it. Per an Executive Order from Governor Cuomo, all people in New York must wear a face-covering in situations when not maintaining social distancing. Cloth face coverings fashioned from household items can stop the spread of COVID-19 when traditional surgical masks and N-95s aren’t available and significant social distancing is not possible. Check out this flyer on how to make your own face covering.
See our flyer which provides these tips and other helpful information. We encourage you to share this information with your constituencies. We have also created two posters that should be hung in public locations to help keep residents informed about how to stay safe and how to get help.
NY on Pause
Governor Cuomo announced today that the “New York State on PAUSE” executive order will be extended through May 15th.
Applications Now Open for ‘Dutchess Responds’ Fund
In partnership with the Community foundation, the Dutchess Responds Fund has initiated a rolling application process to support nonprofits that have been providing critical support to the community as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. In collaboration with the Dyson Foundation, the first round of Dutchess Responds Fund donations, which exceeded $50,000, was recently distributed to numerous emergency food pantries and programs throughout the county, with a special emphasis on those that provide fresh produce and distribute or deliver food to those in need.
This revolving application process will allow current and future donations to the fund to support two priorities—Front Line and Service-Challenged needs. Grants will be available to non-profit agencies in increments up to $10,000 depending on funding availability. For more information, contact Community Foundations at (845) 452-3077 or email More information is also available in our press release.
Alternate Care Facility Update
Dutchess County’s Recovery Center stands ready as needed should local hospitals exceed their capacity to care for those impacted by COVID-19. Dutchess Community College’s Conklin Hall Dormitory serves as the location for the Recovery Center, with 176 rooms and 457 beds on 4 different floors. Total capacity will vary based on number of guests requiring single room and/or access to private bathroom per their care plan. Staff is trained and prepared and the facility is ready for patient admission, however, it is not expected it will be necessary to open the facility this week as local hospital bed capacity has remained stable. Hospital capacity is evaluated daily, looking out three days, to determine if it is necessary to open the recovery center. Learn more by checking out our press release.
National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week
We are proud and grateful for the dedication and sacrifice of our Dutchess County Public Safety Dispatchers who continue to work tirelessly during the COVID-19 pandemic, and all year long, at the Dutchess County Department of Emergency Response to ensure first responders reach Dutchess County residents in need as quickly as possible. This week is National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week and we hope you’ll join us in recognizing their contributions in this critical and life-saving role, even if it has to be from a safe distance.
COVID-19 Time Capsule
These are unprecedented times for people of every age, and schools and other organizations have posted the following COVID-19 time capsule for kids, allowing boys and girls to creatively document their experiences living through this pandemic to look back on years from now. Check out our Facebook page for fun worksheets to print out and include in your time capsule!
Local residents are also invited to take part in the Dutchess County COVID-19 History Survey to document their experiences during the current pandemic and will better prepare leaders for the health crises of the future.
Business Community Update
Businesses are encouraged to visit to sign up for daily emails and access important information and resources.
- A Virtual Contact Breakfast was held with the Dutchess County Regional Chamber of Commerce. If you were unable to attend, or want to re-watch the webinar, you can watch the full recording HERE.
- The New York Department of Health has issued the Interim Guidance for the requirement that businesses offer face masks to employees that must interact with the public. The guidance can be found HERE.
- As we work together to combat the spread of COVID-19 in our community, we encourages businesses adopt best practices to protect their employees, as well as customers, when it is absolutely necessary for residents to go out. Check this flyer for more details.
We’re All In This Together
The uncertainty and anxiety surrounding everything happening in our community with COVID-19 can easily become overwhelming, but we’re here to help. If you need someone to talk to, our HELPLINE is available 24/7 via call or text at 845-485-9700.
New York State has also established a Coronavirus Emotional Support Helpline at 1-844-863-9314, which is available 8am-10pm 7 days per week.
Other Items:
As always, we encourage you to visit for the most up to date information. Our COVID-19 Information Hotline is available 7 days a week to help answer questions and provide assistance at 845-486-3555.
We have been putting out weekly newsletter emails on the COVID-19 pandemic and what we are doing right here in Stanfordville to help our Community as well as what resources are available on the County Level. Please sign up for our email list so we can keep you informed. You can do so at the very top of our Home Page.
Please find the link to our April 11th emailers:
The latest emailer was sent out on April 4th and here is the link
Here is the link to our emailer from March 28th
Here is the link to our emailer from March 23rd
And our first