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Day: July 28, 2020

The Sale of Hunting Licenses

The Sale of Hunting Licenses begins on August 10th.  To accommodate the public, Town Hall will be open to anyone wanting to purchase a license.  Masks must be warn and there will be markings on the floor to indicate six foot social distancing.  Please remain outside when the hallway to the Town Clerk’s office is occupied, until the line moves up.  We want to make it as easy on the public as we can, and keep Town Hall a COVID-FREE Zone.  

For all other offices, please continue making an appointment in advance.

Thank you.

Wanted: A Volunteer Liaison to the Dutchess County Commission on Human Rights

The Town of Stanford is looking for a Volunteer Liaison to the Dutchess County Commission on Human Rights. This person would:

  1. Represent the Town to the Commission and provide input and perspectives to the Commission as may be beneficial
  2. Communicate to the Town Board on a frequently basis concerning the nature, purpose, goals and activities of the Commission and the responsibilities of its members.
  3. Invite members of the Commission who reside in eastern Dutchess County to attend meetings of the Town of Stanford to speak about their membership on the Council and its work.
  4. Provide information to the Town Board and the public regarding events sponsored by the Commission [and recommended resource organizations] and invite participation of Stanford residents.
  5. Attend monthly meetings of the Commission as may be practicable and report to the Town Board and public
  6. Consider participation in one of the Commission’s Work Groups as a Town Liaison volunteer.

The commitment of time for this volunteer position s is anticipated to be 5-8 hours per month.