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Month: October 2020


Please call  (845) 486-2555 to register for BINGO by car on November 5th, at the upper Rec Parking lot. You will be called back to confirm the 1:00 pm time and also alerted if there is a cancellation and rain date.  COME PLAY BINGO! ! !


Bingo at the Rec Park on November 5th

We are very pleased to announce that we are partnering with Dutchess County and our Sister Town, Pine Plains, to host an afternoon of Bingo at the Rec. The time will be determined, but most probably it will begin at 1:00  Players will be in their cars, and the Bingo Master, who may be Marc Molinaro, will be calling out numbers from a microphone.

The rain date will be November 6th.

Stay tuned for more information to come!

9/11 Memorial Flag Video

The Stanford Historical Society, using funds from a grant it received for recording interviews and documentations, sponsored the created of this video by Michael Churton.  

Click HERE to view the video

Be prepared to shed some tears…..



First, the Census Bureau has decided to tighten what was thought to be the deadline to complete the form. As a result of the COVID-19 crises, the Census had pushed back the response deadline from mid-August to the end of October. The Bureau has now announced it will October 31,2020. In our area, census workers are now starting to go door to door to help finish the count. But people don’t need to wait until a census worker comes knocking on their door. They can fill out the form now at “” Census assistance numbers are: 844-330-2020 for English; 844-468-2020 for Spanish.

As a reminder, it only takes a few minutes for people to fill out the Census. The final numbers will determine how federal funding gets divided across the country. Congressional and legislative districts will be redrawn based on the figures as well.

Please help spread the word via your municipality’s social media, newsletter, reminders at board meetings, word of mouth etc.

Here are few links: The County Executive just published this news release that has all the pertinent information:

Also, this is great link about to expect when Census workers come to your door. This includes safety and identification protocols.