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Month: November 2020

Holiday Gift Card Drive ! $2020 for 2020

With this year’s COVID restrictions and the canceling of the holiday lights parade, the Stanford Events Committee, along with the Lions Club, have put together a gift card drive for families in need this holiday season.   The Lions Club has already committed $400, and the Events Committee has matched that, and now we’re reaching out to see if we can raise that amount to at least $2020.

This year we are looking to collect gift cards instead of gifts, which will be distributed to families in need by Elizabeth Murray, the Seymour Smith and Cold Spring School psychologist.

There are a few ways we can easily participate:   

  • Buy individual gift cards from TargetWalmartKohlsOld Navy or Marshalls (most can be bought online to avoid any in-person transactions) and drop them off in an envelope in the mail slot at Town Hall.  If you would like to, please  put your name and contact info on your envelope. 
  • Donate money directly to the Lions Club by sending a check made out to the Stanford Lions Club, c/o Ritamary Bell, P.O.Box 20, Stanford, NY 12581.  

Please feel free to forward this email and flyer along to your members, and let us know if you have any questions. 

Let’s spread some holiday cheer this year!

Thanks so much in advance,  

The Stanford Events Committee

Town of Stanford Festival of Lights with Car Caravan and Map

 Dear Neighbors

The holidays are coming and COVID has limited the ways we can interact. As the days get shorter we all feel the need for light, and color and joy.

We on the Stanford Events Committee are proposing that we each take it upon ourselves to shine a little light on the situation, by over-decorating for the holidays.  Maybe if we each go as far as we can towards sharing some festive spirit in the form of lights and decorations and holiday fun in our yards, on our houses, and wherever we have outdoor space, we can share some Holiday spirit with our neighbors.

 If we all go all out this year, the parade will make itself as we drive around Stanfordville to share the Holiday spirit.

We encourage you to get out those old boxes of Holiday lights, and if you have more than you need,  share them with neighbors and friends.  If you don’t have lights you can invent your own decorations, let your kids loose, they will find a way.  If you email the committee through me, ( we will try to find a way to offer assistance with decorations.

 We want everyone in Stanfordville to know we are a community, and we wish the best holiday possible to all of our friends and neighbors in town.  We don’t an up-to-date email list, so please forward this to any and all residents you think might be interested.

Let’s all join together to brighten out spirits! 

The Stanford Events Committee,

The Town of Stanford’s First Photograph Contest is now ready for Submissions!

The Community Events Committee has launched its first public project, and it is designed to be fun and stimulating.  We invite all members of the community who enjoy taking pictures to submit their photographs.

The theme for the Fall Contest is ‘What I love about Stanford”.  It can be anything!  Please spread the word. The winning photographs [five] will be posted on the Town Website.

Click HERE to enter the website.

Veteran’s Day Parade Through Stanfordville

There will be Veteran’s Day Parade through Stanford sponsored by the Dutchess County Veterans Services, that will drive through Stanford on Route 82 around 9:50 am on November 11th. Come to Town Hall, the Library, Big Rock Market or any place downtown to pay tribute to our Veterans. Please be sure to socially distance and to wear a mask!!

Sadly, the Holiday of Lights Committee canceled the Holiday of Lights Parade

Due to COVID-19 precautions, the Holiday of Lights Committee with great regret has canceled the Holiday of Lights Parade.  Stay tuned for news about the Holiday Toy Campaign that is in progress. 

Also, Dutchess County Parks Commission will host a” Go Light Your World” Holiday Illumination Weekend – December 5th and 6th from 6-9 pm at Wilcox Memorial Park

Check HERE for details

D.C. Commission on Human Rights Speaker Series 11/10/2020



The Profiting From Hate: How Hate Affects Undocumented Immigrants

Renan Saldago, Human Trafficking Director – Worker Just Center

November 10,2020

2 pm – 3:330 pm via Zoom

Register HERE on the Dutchess County Website 



December 1 – 2-3:30 pm

December 15, 2-3:30 pm

Congratulations to the Stanford Grange #808

A word from the Stanford Grange #808 about their AMAZING accomplishment!!!!
We are ecstatic to learn that we won 1st Place in the New York State Grange Community Service Contest for 2020!
COVID threw us so many curves and challenges this year, and we figured out how to survive and adapt. But, we certainly couldn’t have done it without the continuous support of our community! You are the reason we are an award-winning Grange! Thank you all from the bottom of our hearts!