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Day: November 23, 2020

Town of Stanford Festival of Lights with Car Caravan and Map

 Dear Neighbors

The holidays are coming and COVID has limited the ways we can interact. As the days get shorter we all feel the need for light, and color and joy.

We on the Stanford Events Committee are proposing that we each take it upon ourselves to shine a little light on the situation, by over-decorating for the holidays.  Maybe if we each go as far as we can towards sharing some festive spirit in the form of lights and decorations and holiday fun in our yards, on our houses, and wherever we have outdoor space, we can share some Holiday spirit with our neighbors.

 If we all go all out this year, the parade will make itself as we drive around Stanfordville to share the Holiday spirit.

We encourage you to get out those old boxes of Holiday lights, and if you have more than you need,  share them with neighbors and friends.  If you don’t have lights you can invent your own decorations, let your kids loose, they will find a way.  If you email the committee through me, ( we will try to find a way to offer assistance with decorations.

 We want everyone in Stanfordville to know we are a community, and we wish the best holiday possible to all of our friends and neighbors in town.  We don’t an up-to-date email list, so please forward this to any and all residents you think might be interested.

Let’s all join together to brighten out spirits! 

The Stanford Events Committee,