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Town News

Playground Safety Inspection Report

Stanford Recreation Park Inspection Report

The Stanford Recreation Capital Fund Raising Committee paid to have a full inspection done on the Sparc Park playground. I have attached the report and hope many of you will take the time to read it. We need to make a critical decision about trying to repair this beloved-hand-built-by-volunteer structure, or to replace it with a new one.

There are many factors to consider. Many of the recommendations that cite safety hazards come with the solution of replacement and or removal. Upkeep would be continual, and the treated wood that currently is in use does contain arsenic. Currently our playground is not A.D.A. compliant.

We need as much feedback from the community a possible. You can write to me at and I will announce shortly if we are to hold a Public Hearing.

Special Town Board Meeting 4.4.22

7:00 p.m. via zoom. Enter through

The meeting is to approve the Sport Tech bid to redo our tennis courts and resurface the upper basketball court. All of this work will be funded by the independent Recreation Capital Fund Raising Committee and a $125,000 grant obtained through Didi Barrett’s office. No taxpayer dollars are involved.

Whitlock Preserve Clean-up Day

Join us from 9:00 am – 1:00 pm on Saturday April 30 at the Whitlock Preserve. As we work, we will learn about the importance of proper recreation management, especially around wetlands. We will also learn about the invasive plants that overtake our natives and how that impairs the ecosystems we rely on. There will be activities for all ages, from trail maintenance to invasive weed removal.

New Location for Feb 6 Test Kit Distribution

CHANGE IN LOCATION NOTICEFree At-Home COVID-19 Test Kits and KN95 Masks Available This Sunday, February 6thAll – Please be advised that due to the inclement weather conditions that are impacting the accessibility of the fairgrounds, this event is being relocated to the Red Hook Senior High School. Formal press is forthcoming from the County, shortly, but I wanted to be sure you were aware. Same time, same process, just a new location!

Town Board Workshop on the Proposed Comprehensive Plan

This is a meeting for the Town Board to discuss the first two chapters of the proposed Comprehensive Plan. You are welcome to observe, by joining this Zoom Meeting. We will not be taking comments from the public at this workshop.

To join by computer or mobile device:    To join by telephone:   For higher quality, dial a number based on your current location. Dial:
US: +1 929 436 2866 or +1 301 715 8592 or +1 312 626 6799 or +1 346 248 7799 or +1 669 900 6833 or +1 253 215 8782 Meeting ID: 894 4700 9708